Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Support Band

Last year the Acromegaly Community came out with bracelets we could purchase to help support the community. One side says Acromegaly Community and the other side says "Cure Loneliness". Lovely shade of blue and it fits me! It really fit me! That in itself was exciting for me. I truly thought it was something I would have to hook to my keychain. Most jewelry does not fit me because of the size of my fingers and hands. Anyway, back to my story...
My bracelets arrived in the mail that day. I immediately and proudly put it on. Grinning from ear to ear the entire time. You would have thought it was Christmas morning! Later that evening I ended up in the ER. I went by myself, as usual. As I was sitting there waiting an older gentleman came and sat in the chair right next to me. I was waiting probably 45 minutes or so when all the sudden he says "Is it working?". This man has not said one word to me all evening and now he asks me if it is working? I wasn't sure how to respond because he caught me off guard. I slowly said..excuse me? He said again "Is it working?". My reply "Is what working???" He points to the bracelet and asks me if I am curing lonliness... I smiled, My response to him "You are talking to me aren't you?" He smiled back and proceeded to ask me about Acromegaly. We spoke for quite a while until I was called back. He was very curious about acro and I was very eager to share :o)
I love my bracelet ♥

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