I cry when I am sad
I cry when I am angry
I cry when I am happy
I cry when I am scared
I cry when I am lonely
I cry when I am hurting
These days I find myself crying for all the above reasons which are normal things that would trigger someone to cry.... but I also find myself crying at times when there really isn't anything to cry about. Nothing obvious anyway. I realize that I have a disease that affect the bodies hormones and when those hormones are imbalanced there is a great chance that my body will release that stress through tears. I think maybe more times than not, when I cry out of the blue, it is because I have just reached my mental/emotional limit of what my body can handle... my tear threshold if you will. People like me who are sick most of their lives are self taught to be strong... and maybe taught by the world around us too. "Don't cry, be strong, You can do this, No more tears"..... my favorite "don't cry, you will upset everyone". HA! I am so sorry if my tears bother you. I will try very hard in the future to hold my stress in and just bite the bullet when I feel like someone is pounding a chisel through my left temple..... as to not upset anyone else, of course! I hope I am the only one that gets told that but I have a feeling that I am not! I try to never tell anyone to not cry. Instead I tell them to cry and just let it all out. Tears are natural stress reducers which is why we often feel so much better after a good cry. Maybe my body requires me to cry at random and awkward times and places because it can no longer hold the physical and mental stress it gets put through every day. That would kinda make sense because most of the time I really have no idea why I am suddenly crying. Once I start crying...after a bit, my mind takes over and starts coming up with reasons why I should be crying. The mind is so powerful.... just as easy as it can pick us up and pull us through a situation, it can suck us in and hold us down.
I often cry at night after my kids have gone to bed and I have some alone time. For me it is purely related to releasing stress.. I have made it through the day, I have nothing more to do so I can just let my body and mind go. I no longer need to be strong or hold back the pain because my day is done. Some of those tears are because I have made it through another day and I am grateful.
Holidays are the worst for me. No matter how happy the occasion is for me I find myself fighting back tears and drinking lots of water. I learned years ago that drinking water is a great way to hold the tears in! ... not that I am advocating for holding emotions in. Just for me, during Christmas season especially, I am a total mess! Everything makes me cry nowadays during this season.. carols, movies, Santa Claus, bell ringers, wrapped gifts.. you name it, it makes me tear up! ...and I can not control it. I try hard to fight off depression now during every holiday. This has been over the last five years maybe. It has come to the point where I do not want to go anywhere or do anything most holidays. I never used to be like this.
On top of my own tear sessions... I have become an empath of sorts and I feel the pain of my friends.. when they are hurting, I hurt too. I am so in tune with my body and this disease that when someone with acro tells me something they are experiencing physically or emotionally, I know exactly what that feels like and my mind and body will take me to that place. It is an awkward feeling, but it does help to support someone when you know exactly how they feel! I have acro friends who experience the same empathy.
Crying releases stress
Crying cleanses the soul
Crying is a sign of being alive
Crying is ok
I am post-surgery living with acromegaly. I can so relate to some of what you say in your posts. I'd be please to talk with you if you're interested. I recently started blogging about my experience....acromegalylife.blogspot.com. Please contact me at abchapman123@gmail.com if you are interested in talking. Thanks for your posts. I hope you are doing well.