Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Aren't You Embarrassed?

A friend of mine messaged me last night to ask me how I could post the pics I have posted on my blog. He said "Aren't you embarrassed?". Mind you, he said it lovingly and not in a way that I took it to mean embarrassed to show my genetically altered jacked up face. He simply meant, am I not embarrassed to be so bold as to show the world my "flaws". My response; I am not flawed in any way.
Flaw; physical blemish: a physical disfigurement that prevents something from being totally perfect and detracts from its value              I am perfect just the way I am. This is what God has made me and God dont make junk! AND my physical features certainly do not lower my value in any way, shape or form. Regardless of what I look like or how I change, I am still the same loveable, caring ,compassionate me and I would not change "me" for the world! I like me.

I am coming out, persay, and showing everyone the real me. No more photoshopping photos (except for the wonderful teeth whitener option). No more lookin for just the right light and finding just the right angle to hide my portruding jaw and my big nose. No more smiling with my mouth closed to hide the gap and jacked up teeth. No more taking pics from far away or chopping them off at the waist to hide my rump or pointing my legs inward to make my thighs appear more thin (learned that one from Tyra Banks).
How can I be a true advocate or role model for someone else if I am not proud of myself in my entirety. If I do not show the real me in my pics I post here, then how do I educate both those with and without Acromegaly. I want those with acro to see that they are not alone and it is ok to not hide what they think are "flaws". I am just like them. And for those who do not have acro, I want them to see what we deal with but at the same time I want them to know not to feel sorry. Someone loses their sight, they adapt. Someone loses a limb, they adapt. Acromegalics grow and change physically, we adapt.........it is not the end of the world, even though at times it sure does seem like it. We are human. It is ok to miss what we once had. Do I ever wish I had my body back? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.I was never in the running for beauty queen, nor was I "quite the looker" or even a magnet of any kind. I was plain Jane and the girl no guy wanted to even be friends with let alone be with romantically involved with. I am just grateful  to have a body to house my wonderfully gorgeous heart and soul. I am beautiful as are all my friends.

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful, and I TOTALLY enjoy reading your posts, you are an inspiration to everyone. I love you my sista!! You need to come to the new house for dinner, and soon!!!!
