Monday, March 5, 2012

My Obsession with Giraffes

I have a small obsession with giraffes...this began back in 2007, shortly after I was diagnosed with Acromegaly. I think it began because I was hurting emotionally and the first thing I grabbed was a stuffed giraffe I lovingly named Georgia. All 208 of my giraffes are named Georgia actually. The reason for memory now sucks. If they are all named Georgia, I will never forget their names! Anyway...a few years back my son, Junior asked me why I love giraffes so much now. I told him that I did not really know. With this he quickly and proudly let me know that he had a theory as to why I love them. Junior's explanation "Mom, maybe you love giraffes so much because they are the tallest animal in the animal kingdom and you people(meaning those with Acro) are the largest people in the Human Kingdom. You have something in common. You can relate". I love my child in all his wittiness. He comes up with some good explanations but this one took the cake. Could he be right? Is he on to something? I am not sure because I myself truly do not know but I am going with his reasoning.
   Touching on the subject of people with Acromegaly being is really those with gigantism that end up being super tall. It is a form of Acromegaly..the only real difference is whether or not your pituitary tumor begins before or after puberty(when growth plates close). I have always been tall all my life but my height comes from my fathers side of the family. They are all very tall and skinny. My mothers side are mostly all short and heavyset. Lucky me got the best of both and ended up fat and tall...just what every young teen girl hopes for. I was actually a bit shocked when I went to an Acromegaly Community gathering last year in Las Vegas. I really was expecting to find a group of tall people. I was in awe to see that I hovered over most of the members there! There was a petite little thing there that was not even five foot I dont think. One person in particular surprised me. I have spoken to him on the phone before,he has a very deep voice which makes him sound like great big man, but he was barely my height. Hard to tell a persons height when only seeing their faces on FB. I think I shocked him as well because I am 5'11" but I sound like a little girl on the phone. Most people expect to meet a little petite person, the exact opposite of what I am! .... So, Another acro myth proven wrong...we come in all shapes and sizes, not just huge and gigantic. I spent my life hating being tall. Now I think, it's not so bad...the air up here is fine, I can see for miles and most everyone looks up to me. :o)

1 comment:

  1. I'm a whopping 5'3". My kids tease and say I'm the shortest giant they've ever seen. I did have someone ask me once if I had giantism why was I so short. LOL Because life is cruel.
