Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Many Faces of Acro

These are my many faces of acro. To the left is a photo of me at 19 years old, the time when I began to grow again. The photo on the right is me at my heaviest,age 26, before acro diagnosis. I was eating carbs like crazy. The cravings were controlling my life. I would gorge myself with food and then sleep 16 to 18 hours a day. I stopped weighing myself at 312 pounds. I was always too tired to do anything. On top of being so overweight, I was also having problems with major depression, Endometriosis and PCOS.
This photo below was from 2008, just 6 months after my diagnosis...levels at 976,I was just beginning injections to control symptoms. I never had surgery because nobody could find any tumors. I remember the woman taking the picture telling me to try to open my eyes. I was so swollen, my eyebrows made my eyes look like slits.
This is me now. Still no surgery and my levels are out of control at 512. The swelling is not too bad but my jaw does continue to grow. I still have frontal bossing but all in all, I am pretty darn cute :o) My face has definitely changed a lot over the years but whose face doesn't change over the years!

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