Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Little Resentment Maybe?

Breast Cancer Awareness, Relay for Life, Jumprope for Heart, Jerry Lewis Telethon, yellow ribbons, pink ribbons, green ribbons........So many organizations raising awareness, raising funds, getting answers, finding cures. Awesome!....but where does Acromegaly fit in? It doesn't and that is a problem for me. I realize that Acromegaly is a rare disease that most have never heard of it but my heart does not remember that when I see all the huge campaigns running to raise funds and awareness for other diseases and conditions. What makes their diseases more important than ours? Who cares if we are dying or suffering? Who wants to help US find a cure? Don't get me wrong, I am elated that people with cancers and Alzheimer and MS and MD and so on are finding funding for research and cures because I know now first hand ,how important it really is, but it does not stop me from feeling a little bit of resentment though. I want to see ads for Acromegaly Awareness month and receive phone calls asking for donations to help patients with Acromegaly. I want the damn ribbon of support, just a stupid little ten cent ribbon ......something to wear on my shirt and slap on my car for all to see to show my support and hopefully trigger people to ask me what I am supporting.
I know all this will happen some day, but we need it to happen now. We need research now. We need a cure now. I am listening to friends with Acromegaly saying they want to just give up. They are tired of fighting.  My eyes tear up every time I think about Acromegaly taking another precious life. I THANK Wayne Brown, founder of Acromegaly Community, for all his endless hard work. He is moving us to where we want and need to be. Have you asked Wayne lately what you can do to help raise awareness? Be proactive!

Let me add before I close that I do proudly wear my Acromegaly Community blue bracelet and my Acro t-shirt. A little story about my support bracelet. It was my first day wearing the bracelet. I was sitting in a waiting room waiting to be called back. A man sat quietly next to me for the longest time. All the sudden he says "Is it working?" Bewildered, I say"Is what working?". He replies, "are you Curing Loneliness" (written on the bracelet)My reply" You are talking to me aren't you?" I love that story! I went on to tell him about Acromegaly and he was genuinely interested.
My prayer for tonight, Acromegaly in shining lights for the world to see!
     "Alone we are rare, together we are strong"

1 comment:

  1. Good thought. Positive action. It's as much about helping others with Acro as it is about helping ourselves. Be proactive. Thanks for the encouragement to 'get in the game'. Think I may make up my own silly ribbon!
