Monday, March 12, 2012

Really?? You Screwed up again!

I am blogging this morning out of pure anger and frustration. A few weeks ago my doctor ordered an OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)..GH based. That is the test where they make you chug 75mgs of pure sugar water and then draw your blood every hour for three hours. Not fun for for anyone but way not fun for a diabetic like me. The test is meant to spike your sugar, then make you crash........and I crash big time, every time. This test takes four hours but I pay the price for it for a few days after. Anyway.....I had this test done two weeks ago only to find that they forgot to include my GH levels. So i go back again and once again they screw the test up. This morning I go to the lab, now very frustrated, wait for an hour for my name to be called, already feeling shaky because I have not eaten. Having prepared myself for the days to come mentally. I figure, this time I am going to make sure they do it right! Sheryl Colstock? Yes. "are you fasting?" Yes. Have a seat. :o)  I sit in the dumb chair that sucks your butt down and seems to create a seal to hold you in..uncomfortable to say the least. She draws a tube of blood and says "ok, you're done.have a nice day". Wait a minute! Where is my liquid bomb I am supposed to drink? I have two orders today. She just forgot, I am sure sure. I brought an order with me and another that was called in. She walks away to check, obviously bothered by the fact that I am questioning her thoroughness. She shows me the paper work......... Failure number three. The doctor screwed up this time and ordered a GH and Insulin level instead. My insurance already hates me and wishes me dead because my medical bills are already well over 20 grand a month. I am sure one of these screw ups in going to be the straw that broke the camels back! It takes me weeks up to months sometimes just to get certain tests ok'd by my insurance. I am working with a neurosurgeon, PCP and a lab. How is it possible that at least two of the three can not get their data straight and order me the f***** right test! These are the people who have my life in their hands? These are the people that decide my fate? I am doomed. I mean, c'mon! It is a frickin blood test, not rocket science!!!!!!!!!!! Situations like these are the things that trigger my anger and frustration and make me want to say , enough already, I have had more needles, no more meds, no MRI's, no testing, no nothing! Just leave me the hell alone. Thank God for giving me and abundance of strength and patience because, without it, I may be here.
............Back to the drawing the receptionist and ask her to once AGAIN get an authorization for an OGTT w/ GH draws and then call the nurse and ask her to ask the PCP to call the nurse of the Neuro to get the right lab codes. Then fill out the lab order correctly and call it into the lab. Lastly, wait another few weeks for permission to go have it done. Two more weeks to wait for results. Another few weeks for the neuro to call. Good thing I do not have any other responsibilities to tend to and can dedicate all my time to my health. OH WAIT, I almost forgot I am a single mom, chaffeur, housecleaner,cook, bill payer, grocery shopper, dog walker, errand runner,caregiver and support system. Imagine that.

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