Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who Hi-Jacked My Teeth?

........or should I ask" what jacked up my teeth? Yes, "jacked up" perfectly describes a little more havoc Acro has created for me. I used to have a close to perfect smile...straight white perfectly spaced teeth, no underbite, just right. Now I look like Jack-o-Lantern gone bad! lol  First let me say that I whitened my teeth with photshop. The medications have yellowed my teeth to the point where there was no way I was posting the true color of them here up close! With that being said...everything else is real. I am not, repeat NOT missing a tooth! My jaw has grown so wide that my teeth have seperated and crammed themselves together on the bottom. I have noticed recently that my upper set of teeth are now beginning to seperate too. I have had to have many teeth pulled in the back because the shifting of my jaw and growth got to the point where my molars were being grinded down and eventually crushed. My teeth are all loose due to the spacing so I have to be careful with what I eat. My jaw no longer comes together. When I close my mouth, only two teeth actually touch and only on the left side. Chewing food can be difficult at times. Things like steak, porkchops I avoid eating in public because I look like a cow chewing cud when I eat them. They are also choking hazards for me because I can not grind the meat down enough to a safe size bite. Spaghetti, tortillas, lettuce...flat foods are hard too. They slip right through my teeth! I have to use my tongue to push the food up against my teeth to break it down. Guess I would say that I choke at least three times a week on food. Not great statistics! Eating a big meal can be exhausting and tends to cause me alot of jaw pain afterwards.There is not really anything that can be done at this time to fix my teeth in any way or my jaw because I am still growing. My levels are not under control. I could go through a very risky painful surgery to try and fix my jaw but it would grow right back. So, until I have been under control for 18 months, doctor says no fixing anything. I have gotten used to the way I look and I have adapted with eating. As long as I can eat my Oreos, I am good :o)


  1. Yikes! That looks like quite a predicament. There's probably some fundamental reason or other that had made it so. But yeah, stuff like this requires that you tread into renewal carefully, and you get the proper dental service which will deal with this matter well for the long haul. No instant fixes for this one, though that is okay.

    Maxima @ Impressions Dentistry

  2. The fundamental reason is because I have acromegaly! Did you not read the blog? If you are with a dentist firm I highly suggest you learn all you can about acromegaly. You may save someone's life some day by letting them know that jaw growth and new under bites as an adult is not normal and could possibly be this disease!
