Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Colo-what? A scope where!!!

Colonoscopy....ok, so maybe it is not as bad as the picture, allthough, that is the first thing that came to mind when I was told I needed one! OUCH! Actually, a colonoscopy is not painful at all, a little discomfort here and there maybe but not painful. I guess it was about a year or so after my dx of Acromegaly that the endo said I should have a colonoscopy. My first thoughts...Aren't those for old people and men? I knew of them because my father had many done over the years. I never did ask him exactly what it was though. All I knew was it involved a really long scope and my big fat bare vulnerable rump! Really? Are you sure I NEED this? Two weeks later I found myself at the pharmacy picking up a gallon container of powdered something and a flavor packet. Oh great! I get to pick a flavor. I thought if I had to drink that much I might as well pick a favorite. I chose grape but a woman quickly interrupted me to tell me that the lemonade was the best one to choose. Ok, I like lemonade. I can handle that too. I went home and read the instructions carefully as I was told to ...light diet, no food the day before and drink this liquid at the times problem...OR SO I THOUGHT! Lemonade MY ASS!!! Oh my gosh, it was the most godawful liquid I have ever tasted in my life. Even the catscan juice was not this bad! A gallon, really? the whole effin gallon??? Aaaargh!!!!!! I think I can,I think I can, I think I can, I dont want to, I dont want to. No choice, down the hatch, sorry tastebuds, lemonade will never have the same meaning again. To this day, everytime someone mentions colonscopy I automatically have that taste in my mouth and the nausea that accompanied it. Thank God these things are not yearly! Anyway. to the test....As if lying on a table on my side with everything draped except for my butt was not embarrassing enough, My doctor whom I never met walked in. Stares at my butt for a monent and says in his deep Scandinavian accent "what are you doing here?" I am laying naked on a bed surrounded by scopes and you are asking me what I am doing there. Dear Lord help me! Great, he has no idea what he is even doing? I told him I am here for a colonoscopy obviously. He replies, clearly annoyed, "you are too young for a colonoscopy" Wonderful, pass me my panties and I will be on my way! Evidently somewhere in his schooling they forgot to teach him that people with Acromegaly exist and are prone to polyps. I tell him I have acro, his response "and????" I think to myself, lay down and I will show you where to shove your scope! He was so incredibly rude. Had I not been drugged by now, I would have gotten up and left. The sedation wore off after a short while...guess he also did not know to adjust the dose for my size. No matter to me though. It was sort of interesting watching everything on the camera. There was no pain involved, just a little discomfort, which one would expect having a two foot long scope shoved up your rear :-D  A few polyps removed but they were benign, no biggie....I am good for another three to five years...which is good, hopefully by then the doctors will have less to work with lol!
Make sure those of you with Acro get your colonoscopies done at least every three- five years. Do not take "no" for an answer! It is an important issue.

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